Ready or not, PCI 3.0 is here

The deadline for PCI 3.0 mandatory compliance is fast approaching. If you and your merchants are compliant that's good news. The bad news: the odds are against ongoing compliance. That's why card data security needs to be a multifaceted undertaking.
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Infographic: 2015 U.S. EMV liability shift

Under the liability shift, the least secure party in a card transaction - the issuer or acquirer who does not support EMV by the liability shift deadline - assumes the liability for counterfeit card transactions and, in some cases, for lost and stolen card transactions.
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EMV liability shift catching SMBs unaware

Breaking down the EMV liability shift Below is what happens if a credit card data breach occurs after Oct. 1, 2015: If a merchant is still using the swipe and signature method at the POS, and the consumer has an EMV chip-enabled credit card, the merchant is responsible for all losses in the event of fraud.
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Verifone Path to Payments

Verifone’s annual payments survey gathers consumer attitudes around traditional and new forms of payment.
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EMV gets a boost from Obama

On Oct. 17, 2014, President Barack Obama signed an executive order directing that the federal government lead by example and implement chip and PIN technology for government-managed credit and debit card programs. In a speech at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Obama laid out the BuySecure Initiative, which, in part, will mandate chip and PIN as the security standard for such programs as Direct Express, the prepaid debit card program that electronically distributes government benefits to recipients.

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MasterCard Brings Contactless Payment to the 2014 World Series

MasterCard is bringing contactless acceptance to ballpark food and beverage concessions at the 2014 World Series through a partnership with mobile technology leader MLB Advanced Media, enabling fans to make payments using a variety of NFC-enabled devices and services, including the newly introduced Apple Pay.
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